
During the month of July we focused on the theme around opportunity. We decided to bring Justin Lipford as our guest speaker. Justin serves as the Director of Community Engagement for YMCA Youth & Family Services in San Diego. He is passionate about connecting young adults to resources and communities. Justin strives to understand the hardships and barriers that communities and people of color face on a daily basis. Justin has over 20 years of experience serving families, young adults, and is a prime example of a leader of change in the community. 

Our discussion was focused on the importance of staying true to our self identity, seizing opportunity, and to be selfish. Just allowed us to engage in his conversation after sharing his life experience. The key takeaway was being selfish to achieve our own goals and happiness. With this we shared that many of us focus on making time for friends and family, but don’t take the time to recognize our accomplishments and make time for ourselves. As our organization currently has young individuals, this was an important conversation to have as many of us explore new careers, new relationships, and overall begin a new chapter in our lives. Justin emphasized the importance of making time for ourselves and exploring different avenues that give us a sense of purpose. Our members truly enjoy having Justin, and we look forward to continuing to bring in guest speakers who focus on these topics.




Community Impact