Linkedin & Social Media Presence

The fifth month has come and gone, and this past month's focus was around LinkedIn and social media presence. Our workshop space this month was made up of individuals from different parts of their individual journey; some had never used LinkedIn, while others were reminded of the importance of maintaining a presence on LinkedIn. However, ultimately everyone gained direct insight into the opportunity of using LinkedIn to share personal and professional journeys. In partnership with community member Brandon, founder of 'Brand on the Brain,' he demonstrated the ability to experience new opportunities. This was his first presentation on LinkedIn, and he did an amazing job demonstrating the similarities and differences between resumes, interviews, and LinkedIn. Following the amazing presentation, our members requested a time to connect and support each other at our next meeting to fully implement the information that has been taught over the last couple of months. That's why our next month's meeting will be known as our 'Community Productivity,' where we will provide a space for members to be productive and connect with each other. Young Minds is also proud to share the expansion of community reach by launching a podcast, as our first episode can be heard on Spotify. Our intention behind the podcast is to provide a small glimpse into what our community members are doing as individuals while also sharing how our community strives to welcome others into our space, all with the desire of supporting and uplifting each other, which includes accountability.


Community Connections


Embracing Opportunities